 LI Nan.Reasons and Situation Consideration on the Continuous Prevalence of Tajik Costume Handicraft Cultrual Industry[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2019,4(02):168-171.





Reasons and Situation Consideration on the Continuous Prevalence of Tajik Costume Handicraft Cultrual Industry
中国传媒大学 戏剧影视学院,北京 100024
LI Nan
School of Drama and Television,Communication University of China,Beijing 100024,China
J 523.5
从手工技艺变迁入手,采用田野调查和定性分析的方法,对塔吉克族服饰的手工技艺进行研究。分析现代化进程和移民搬迁影响下服饰技艺改变其传统风格样式和制作工艺的动因和效果; 解读守护核心技艺的服饰传承人现状及技术转变特点; 从塔吉克传统服饰的生产性保护实践方面分析手工艺文化产业持续盛行的原因。得出结论,女红作为塔吉克民族的文化基因仍然存在,并保持着较好的延续性,其制作技艺仍有其存在价值。
Proceeding from the changes of handicraft technology, this paper uses the methods of field investigation and qualitative analysis to study the Tajik costume handicraft. The study includes three levels: First, it analyses the motives and effects of changing the traditional style, style and production process of clothing technology under the influence of modernization process and migration. Secondly, it interprets the status quo of the clothing inheritors who guard the core skills and the characteristics of technological transformation. Finally, it analyses the reasons for the continuing popularity of the handicraft and cultural industry from the perspective of productive protection practice of Tajik traditional clothing. It is concluded that, as the cultural gene of Tajik nationality, needlework still exists and maintains a good continuity, and the production skills still have its existence value.


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(责任编辑:张 雪,邢宝妹)


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更新日期/Last Update: 2019-04-26