[1]马巧云,刘 驰*.紧身服装着装压力舒适性的研究现状[J].服装学报,2019,4(01):18-22.
 MA Qiaoyun,LIU Chi*.Recent Researches on the Pressure Comfort of Tight Clothing[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2019,4(01):18-22.





Recent Researches on the Pressure Comfort of Tight Clothing
马巧云;  刘 驰*
西安工程大学 服装与艺术设计学院,陕西 西安 710048
MA Qiaoyun;  LIU Chi*
Apparel and Art Design College, Xi’an Polytechnic University, Xi’an 710048, China
TS 941.17
为给消费者和企业在紧身服装设计、制作、穿戴上提供舒适的着装压参考,从与着装压力舒适性相关的4个方面进行梳理分析,即着装压力舒适性影响因素、着装压力舒适阈值、着装压力对人体生理的影响、着装压力预测。结合研究现状,得出以下结论:当前生理因素研究停留在定性表达上; 主客观相结合得出舒适阈值的方式易受个体差异性影响; 将人的生理、心理因素融入到服装力学舒适性能工程设计中,建立压力预测模型是今后科研的重点。
This paper summarized and analyzed clothing comfort from four aspects: factors affecting pressure comfort, pressure comfort threshold, the impacts of pressure comfort to human physiology, and pressure prediction, to provide references for consumers and enterprises in the design, production and wear of the tight clothing. The results combing current research showed that: the study of physiological factors was still limited to the qualitative expression. The way to obtain the comfort pressure threshold through the combination of subjective and objective was easily affected by individual differences. Combing the human physiological and psychological factors into the engineering design of clothing’s mechanical comfort performance to establish the model of pressure prediction would be a focus of further research.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2019-02-27