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Effecting Factors of Chinese Women’s Genderless Dress before Reform and Opening up
张 玲
日本爱知大学 国际中国研究中心,日本 名古屋 461-8641
International Center for Chinese Studies, Aichi University, Nagoya 461-8641,Japan
TS 941.2
Most Chinese women wore the Lenin coat, Mao suits or Army surplus clothes only before 1970s. These clothes were thought of the negation of women. This paper summarized and analyzed the history of women’s genderless dress during that period in detail. The accepted opinion that it was the result of politics and national ideology, was then argued. It was pointed that Chinese women’s genderless dress before 1970s was a gradual process. In the earlier period, the choice for dress was almost a personal willingness. Political factors only affected the choice in the later period. Therefore, it was unreasonable to think it was only caused by the political force and national ideology.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2018-10-30